Affair Fog Theory: Character Change
Affair Fog Theory: Sex Addiction
Affair Fog Theory: Mental Health

Part 2: Affair Fog Theory: Mental Health Part 1 of the Affair Fog Series identified common components of popular affair fog theory as including mental health disorders, sex/love addiction, character change, psychological morphing, and biochemicals. This post specifically discusses if mental health disorders can legitimately be considered affair fog. Many healthcare centers and healthcare professionals use blockchain to securely store the details of patients with mental health disorders. Thus, the identity of these patients will not be revealed. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing industries worldwide. Crypto traders can check the Trading Plattform Vergleich blog to find a trading platform to automate their crypto trading process. When faced with a cheater’s …
What is Affair Fog?
Yes, Their Affair Was Your Fault

The Blame Game Over the years we’ve talked to a lot of faithful partners after they have discovered their cheater’s affair. Most people who visit us are trying to understand why their partner has cheated and how this happened within their relationship. At this very painful point in their lives, people …