“We attain freedom as we let go of whatever does not reflect our magnificence. A bird cannot fly high or far with a stone tied to its back. But release the impediment, and we are free to soar to unprecedented heights.”
~Alan Cohen
Category Archives: Moving On
Affair Survival Kit

Over the last couple of months our posts have tried to challenge your thinking and re-frame your responses to your cheater’s affair. All too often support forums and therapists focus on the relationship/marriage, and largely avoid encouraging the pursuit of personal agendas and goals that might result in one of …
Affairs, Farmville, and the Sunk Cost Fallacy
Questions After the Affair Even after you’ve had time to absorb and process the affair, certain issues just don’t seem to go away. You probably find yourself obsessing over the same questions and upsets over and over again, as if they’re buzzards circling around the dying body of your relationship. …
The Post Affair Life
Heroes and Villains

The Infidelity Super Villain Ever wondered how Clark Kent got away with ‘hiding’ his real identity by combing his hair differently, and wearing some glasses? Or how nobody seemed to notice that beneath that innocuous trench coat, lurked The Thing? Affairs are often thinly disguised as only ‘being about sex’. …
Not Wanting to Let Go
Whilst this post isn’t directly about the emotional aftermath after infidelity, it does have relevance. Often, when a cheater leaves the primary relationship (for the affair partner, or not) the faithful partner who is left behind can find it incredibly difficult to let go of the relationship. The reality is …