Category Archives: Personal Growth
Affair Survival Kit

Over the last couple of months our posts have tried to challenge your thinking and re-frame your responses to your cheater’s affair. All too often support forums and therapists focus on the relationship/marriage, and largely avoid encouraging the pursuit of personal agendas and goals that might result in one of …
The Post Affair Life
Switching Focus Post Affair

The Infidelity Black Hole Your partner’s affair can become an all-encompassing black hole of pain and upset that consumes every available ounce of your time and energy. It taints every thought, interaction, and activity and keeps you exhausted, but unable to get a moment’s relief from it all. Focusing on …
The Power of Mayonnaise
Changing Yourself After Discovering the Affair Have you found yourself vigorously scrubbing the toilet with your toothbrush, considering giving yourself an industrial strength Lysol swirly, as the words, “You’re a terrible housekeeper” ring in your ears? Maybe you’ve swathed yourself in foil and plastic cling wrap like a modern-day mummy, …
Post-Affair: Rediscover You
Affair Help: Negative Thoughts and Acceptance
Affair Help: Cheaters’ Regrets
Affairs & Infidelity: Help to Immunize Your Relationship
After an Affair: Trust … and When to Let Go.
Trust After an Affair: Your Cheating Heart By Lee Nelson/Healthy Life Three years ago, Rachel from Schenectady had a lot of secrets. She was having an affair. “My husband knew I had an inappropriate relationship with another man — talking, texting, e-mailing and flirting. But he never believed I cheated …