Tag Archives: celebrities
Pat Robertson on Affairs: Well, He’s a Man, Okay?

Your husband had an affair? Provide a better home. That’s the message that televangelist Pat Robertson conveyed in an episode of “The 700 Club” to a wife seeking help to get over her husband’s infidelity. This has resulted in some considerable backlash, prompting the Christian Broadcasting Network to release a …
Glorifying Mistresses
ABC’s new drama, ‘Mistresses’ follows the lives of four female friends with illicit and complex relationships. It’s based on a UK show, but will Americans buy into the premise that mistresses live beautiful, glamourous lives? Should we? HuffPost Live Debate (Hosted by Ricky Camilleri) Guests: Jason Winston George: Actor on …
Affairs & Infidelity: Choice not Addiction

As we explored in It’s Not Infidelity - It’s Sex Addiction, despite popular culture labels, the idea of sex addiction is not based on any diagnostic criteria and was again recently excluded from the DSM (American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Claiming ‘sex addiction’ as cause …
Affair Help: Wishing A Cheater Happiness?

Yesterday’s post, Affair Help: The Post-Affair Life, was also an exploration of the issues surrounding cheaters who start new lives with their former affair partner, and the difficulties that the former spouse faces as a result. Hugo Schwyzer’s article in Role/Reboot (reproduced below) was originally published in September 2012 prompted …
Affair Help: The Post-Affair Life

The Mark Sanford Affair The media is full of recent reports about (former South Carolina Governor) Mark Sanford’s attempt to employ a new staffer to run his campaign for the vacant South Carolina Congressional seat - his ex wife. During 2009 during his tenure as governor of NC, Sanford went missing …
Lance Armstrong, Spiral Dynamics & Infidelity
Thinking Systems in Infidelity I don’t accept the commonly espoused opinion that infidelity is, at its core, caused by low self-esteem in the cheater. In my experience cheaters mostly demonstrate quite the opposite - and I might even suggest that often, cheaters can be rather revoltingly full of themselves. Infidelity …
After Infidelity: Lance Armstrong & Regaining Trust
Infidelity: David Letterman
Infidelity: CIA Director Petraeus
Petraeus’ Infidelity Discovered by FBI Government officials said that the F.B.I. began an investigation into a “potential criminal matter” several months ago that was not focused on Mr. Petraeus. In the course of their inquiry into whether a computer used by Mr. Petraeus had been compromised, agents discovered evidence of …