Tag Archives: experts
The Revenge Affair

If Your Partner Cheated Should You Cheat Too? by Guy Winch Ph.D. The consequences of cheating for revenge and retaliation Discovering your partner has cheated (or still is) is a shocking and emotionally devastating event. It can turn your entire world upside down and elicit intense feelings of anger, betrayal, …
Affairs and Addiction: Part 3
Affairs and Addiction: Part 2
Affairs and Addiction: Part 1

Other Affair/Infidelity and Sex Addiction Posts: Affairs & Infidelity: Choice Not Addiction Challenging the Myth of Sex Addiction The IHG position on the sex addiction model: Part 3: Affair Fog Theory: Sex Addiction ~ Wayfarer [hr] Affairs: The Relationship Between Infidelity & Addiction by Dr Scott Haltzman (edited) Most of …
Should You Confess Your Extramarital Affair?

Extramarital Affair: Should You Tell Your Spouse You Cheated? Expert Weighs In By Ashley Reich (edited) You’ve had an affair. Does that mean your marriage is over? Not necessarily, according to Dr. Scott Haltzman, author of “The Secrets of Surviving Infidelity.” In fact, according to the author, “many people will …
Fantasies and Affairs

When Fantasy Crosses the Line By Lynn Margolies, Ph.D. Fantasizing about another person may seem like a harmless indulgence, but it actually draws us closer to temptation and can increase the risk of being unfaithful. In the same way that dwelling on worries and possible catastrophes fuels anxiety and makes …
Affairs & Immunity
Post-Affair Break-Up: Coping
Extra-Marital Affair Prevention Agreements

Preventing Extra-Marital Affairs by Barry W McCarthy, Ph.D. (edited) 35-45% of marriages involve a sexual or emotional extra-marital affair. The most common way that people end a dating relationship is to begin dating (or at least flirting) with another person. When married most people (80% or more) assume that they …