“I sensed he may have occasionally strayed in some of his past relationships. It was something I felt but ignored, a rent in the fabric of an otherwise splendid garment I thought I could mend. I thought I could live with it—I thought, yes and I admit it, that I would be different. That at the very least, middle age and children would slow him down; however, they seemed to accelerate his pace.”
~ Suzanne Finnamore, Split: A Memoir of Divorce
Tag Archives: myths
The Guilt Trip to Therapy
Infidelity Immunity
Infidelity Immunity: Why Gimmicks and Jewelry Won’t Keep Affairs Away by Lesli Doares Furthering the discussion of radical honesty and its connection to the vow to honor your partner, I think it’s important to address one of the greatest fears couples face: infidelity. Like weight loss without exercising or changing …
Affairs: Choice or Mental Disorder?

Related posts: It’s Not Infidelity - It’s Sex Addiction Choice Not Addiction The IHG position on the sex addiction model and mental health in infidelity is further discussed in: Part 3: Affair Fog Theory: Sex Addiction and Part 2: Affair Fog Theory: Mental Health ~ Wayfarer [hr] Mental Disorders and Accountability: …
Forgive a Cheater? (Part 2)

Yesterday’s post, Forgive a Cheater (Part 1) told Helen Sampson’s story of reconciling with her cheating husband, Brian. Why you should NEVER forgive a cheater by Helen Sampson (edited) Helen did. Here she explains why it was the biggest mistake of her life. The realisation almost took my breath away. …
Forgive a Cheater? (Part 1)
Infidelity Myths
Affair Intuition

Affair Intuition: Not Missing The Signs by Stanley H. Block, M.D. Myths About Infidelity Myth One- You will miss the early signs. Myth Two- Love makes you blind. Myth Three- You can recognize the early signs of infidelity by using your logical mind. Realities About Infidelity Reality One- Your intuition …