Tag Archives: news articles
Wife’s Affair: Advice Columnist’s Response to Serial Cheating

Affair Advice & Serial Cheaters from “Dear Carolyn”, Seattle Times by Carolyn Hax Wife repentant, but can marriage survive her unfaithfulness? Having caught his wife cheating, husband wants to save the marriage but feels himself pulling away. Hi, Carolyn: How do I start trusting my wife again? Three years ago, …
An Affair With The Marriage Counselor
Infidelity: Worth Killing For

Wife Murdered by Cheating Husband Today I found another disturbing report about a woman whose cheating husband killed her, after she discovered his affair and started separation proceedings. Murder and Infidelity A west Toronto renovator, Praljak, has been sentenced to life in prison for the savage slaying of his wife, who …
The Different Consequences of Adultery

A Matter of Extremes Societal reaction to infidelity is obviously shaped by cultural differences, though it’s easy to lose sight of how extreme those differences can be when we’re firmly ensconced in the comfortable familiarity of our own nations. I came across two examples that demonstrate staggeringly disparate outcomes …