Tag Archives: self-pity
Affair Help: Negative Thoughts and Acceptance
Affair Help: Negative Thinking
Affair Help: Wishing A Cheater Happiness?

Yesterday’s post, Affair Help: The Post-Affair Life, was also an exploration of the issues surrounding cheaters who start new lives with their former affair partner, and the difficulties that the former spouse faces as a result. Hugo Schwyzer’s article in Role/Reboot (reproduced below) was originally published in September 2012 prompted …
Standing: Shackling Yourself to Your Cheater
Standing Standing is a term used in infidelity forums that describes a faithful partner’s refusal to accept the demise of a relationship, regardless of the actions of the cheater. It could be defined as the faithful partner committing to and maintaining a unilateral relationship in perpetuity, despite the cheater’s actions, …
The Infidelity Iceberg: Rejection
Affair Rejection: Just Get Over It? There are few, if any, who have never experienced rejection; it’s something most of us experience from early childhood that continues with us through our advancing years. Rejection is an every day experience, even when we don’t necessarily register events as rejection. It can …
Rejection: A Painful Affair
Discovering that your partner is having an affair can bring with it overwhelming feelings of personal rejection that can be difficult to get over. Many struggle to function as they used to, frozen by pain and finding it difficult to make decisions. Where the cheating partner chooses to leave their …
The Emotional Aftermath of an Affair
Healing From Infidelity and Depression by Rona Subotnik There are many feelings that people experience after discovering that their spouse has had an affair. The first is usually shock so strong that it feels like being punched in the stomach or having difficulty catching your breath. The shock can feel …
After Infidelity
So You’ve Been Cheated On; What’s Next? by Denise J Charles In my experience as a counselor, I’ve come across a variety of cheaters and cheating styles. There are those who cheat with one-night stands where there is a one-off never-again-to-be-repeated episode (hopefully) of infidelity. There are those who have long-standing, …
The Infidelity Gift That Keeps Giving
With today merrily prancing towards Christmas, like a sparkly, nauseatingly chirpy Elf, determined to guilt us into celebrating goodwill towards all, it brings with it memories that I wish had not been made. However, made they were, and I have been reflecting on how we react, act, and progress after …