Tag Archives: therapy
Keeping Couples Together: A Therapist’s Job in Divorce?

In our experience, therapists working with couples after an affair often seem to operate from a foundation of “keeping couples together” at all costs, no matter the nature of the fracture in the relationship. Not all relationships should be saved, and not all post-affair relationships should be reconciled. Infidelity is …
Fantasies and Affairs

When Fantasy Crosses the Line By Lynn Margolies, Ph.D. Fantasizing about another person may seem like a harmless indulgence, but it actually draws us closer to temptation and can increase the risk of being unfaithful. In the same way that dwelling on worries and possible catastrophes fuels anxiety and makes …
Affair Help: Negative Thoughts and Acceptance
Affair Help: Abuse, Blame & Minimization
Affair Help: The Revenge Affair
Revenge For An Affair: Is It Best Served Hot? By Dr Joy Davidson (edited) When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned in the aftermath of scandal over his involvement with escorts, his successor, Lt. Gov., David Paterson, decided to preempt future public scrutiny by coming clean about his own marital …
Affair Help: The Psychology of Affairs

There is less of a divide between the reasons that men and women cheat than is commonly believed. Infidelity and affairs are not restricted to gender, and the underlying reasons for it share considerable common ground between the sexes. This article was written specifically about men who engage in affairs, …
Affair Help: What You Can Expect in Therapy

This article is sourced from PsychPage which is a site that looks at various psychology issues from the perspective of the therapist/psychologist. Therapy is not a magic cure-all, and there is little value in attending couples’ therapy if one partner is either unwilling to go, or still engaged in an …
Affairs & Infidelity: Help to Immunize Your Relationship
The Emotional Aftermath of an Affair
Healing From Infidelity and Depression by Rona Subotnik There are many feelings that people experience after discovering that their spouse has had an affair. The first is usually shock so strong that it feels like being punched in the stomach or having difficulty catching your breath. The shock can feel …