Affair Help: Entitlement

Infidelity & Affair Help: Entitlement

One common characteristic of those who embark on an affair is a sense of entitlement. Often the underlying reasons for someone’s choice to have an affair are masked by personal justifications and excuses which typically place the blame on the relationship or partner/spouse. Lurking in the background, cheer-leading the way …

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It’s Not Infidelity - It’s Sex Addiction

Claiming a sex addiction can seem to some like a legitimate and compelling excuse for infidelity. It allows that the infidelity and betrayal wasn’t personal, but was a ‘physiological response’ to an addiction; “I would never deliberately cheat on you - my addiction made me do it”  or , “I …

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Don’t Be A Sheeple - Infidelity Myths

Affair Myths

Myths of Infidelity Source: PsychologyToday The people who are running from bed to bed creating disasters for themselves and everyone else don’t seem to know what they are doing. They just don’t get it. But why should they? There is a mythology about infidelity that shows up in the popular …

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Infidelity & Self-Justification

One of the most common questions I hear when talking to people whose lives have been shattered by infidelity is, “How could he/she?” When talking to an unfaithful spouse/partner, the answer to that question is very difficult to uncover. It’s common for the cheater to explain the reason for their …

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Affair Help for a Friend

What to Say to a Friend Having an Affair by David Trotter, reproduced from People of the Second Chance It’s not a moment that most of us plan for. It’s not as if we sit around wondering aloud, “Geez, I should really think about what to say if a friend …

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Entitlement to Infidelity?

Tracy Schorn & Infidelity

When the Cheater Has a Personal Epiphany by Tracy Schorn (edited) Did anyone see this article on Huffington Post? It’s quite a masterful mindfuck. Really, I think my ex-husband could’ve written this. It’s exactly the sort of faux remorse and parroted therapy speak that personality disorders excel at. Maybe I …

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The Illusion that Infidelity Built

The Rationalization Behind Cheating by huxbux at The Thought Refuse (edited) Chances are if you’re an adult, you’ve been in a relationship that ended because either yourself, or your significant other, cheated.  There is a distinct rationalizing process that occurs on the part of the cheater, both during the affair and …

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Justifying Infidelity

How Straying Partners Tend To Justify Infidelity Internally by Recently I was asked “what goes through the mind of a straying spouse during an affair?” This is a tricky question as most people would agree that when they got engaged and planned their wedding, the last thing on their …

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A Betrayed Spouse’s Story of Infidelity

Judy Wachs writes her story of Infidelity

After the Affair By Judy Wachs (edited) When the news broke about the Petraeus affair, my first thought was: “Here we go again. Another married man caught sleeping with a younger woman.” My second thought had more personal resonance: “I wonder what will happen to his marriage?” When I was …

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