The truth is always an insult or a joke, lies are generally tastier. We love them. The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyone’s comfort.
~ Katherine Dunn
Tag Archives: lies
In the Space Between Yes and No
Should You Confess Your Extramarital Affair?

Extramarital Affair: Should You Tell Your Spouse You Cheated? Expert Weighs In By Ashley Reich (edited) You’ve had an affair. Does that mean your marriage is over? Not necessarily, according to Dr. Scott Haltzman, author of “The Secrets of Surviving Infidelity.” In fact, according to the author, “many people will …
Anthony Weiner Affair Scandal
This is a lengthy article written about Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin. Affairs and infidelity can affect anyone, and Huma Abedin shares her thoughts and actions after the disclosure of her husband’s sex scandal. The IHG position on the sex addiction model is discussed in: Part 3: Affair …
Affair Help: Suspecting an Affair
Affair Help: Behavioral Clues Of An Adulterer by Christopher Kaszak Whether someone is guilty of a crime or committing adultery, they leave behind behavioral clues that are indicative of the presence of guilt. I’m not going to address in too much detail the popular clues that are addressed ad nauseam, …
Affair Help: The Mistress (of Self-Deception)
Affairs and The “Other Woman”: Lies Mistresses Tell Themselves by Lisa Merlo-Booth Affairs unfortunately are impacting countless families and relationships. I decided to address this topic from a different angle - the angle of the mistress. Below are myths that many mistresses in the world believe. While I understand how …
Affair Help: The Trickle Truth
Affairs: Types, Consequences & The Truman Show
Infidelity & Affairs: “You Can’t Handle the Truth!”
Dr Shirley Glass Discusses Infidelity (Part 2)

Infidelity: Shattered Vows (Part 2) By Hara Estroff Marano, Shirley Glass (edited) Source: Psychology Today, originally published 1998. Rebuild your relationship by rebuilding trust. Then open “windows” in the relationship. Continued From: Shattered Vows (part 1) HM: Are more couples trying to survive affairs these days? SG: People are more …