Tag Archives: the other person
The Affair Heist: Being The Other Woman or Man
Affairs are Like Heists Gone Wrong. by Natalie Lue, Baggage Reclaim As the Other Woman or Man, you’re under the impression, even if it’s not directly stated, that for your participation, which as a result of deviating from your values may feel monumental, you’re going to share the ‘takings’ between …
The Chase
Confronting the Affair Partner

The Futility of Confronting Affair Partners by Tracy Schorn Here’s a common chump mistake — confronting the affair partner(s). Maybe you did this. Maybe you agonized about doing this. Maybe you’re still waiting to come up with the perfect withering remark to deliver along with your poisoned umbrella tip. Let …
Manipulative Affair Partner - Can I Save my Spouse?
Sarah Symonds, Self-Delusion and the Mistress
Sarah Symonds has a number of websites promoting her new businesses. Sarah’s Wife School seems to be one of the newest ventures (please note the rather wife-disdainful quilt design) and her self-promoting blurb caught my attention: As an Infidelity and Relationship Analyst, I will teach you how to ‘affair-proof,’ and …
Forgiving an Affair
The concept of forgiveness has become ingrained in modern western culture. It is often suggested that healing is a) necessary b) moral and c) the foundation for healing. Whilst not all share that view, it is a popular and pervasive notion that extends to a faithful partner’s ‘requirement’ to forgive …
The Mistresses’ Affair Rules
Getting Over An Affair Partner
Extra-Marital Affair Guides
There are numerous websites dedicated to the issue of affairs and infidelity. Many take a moral position against infidelity and many use religious teachings as the foundation to their position. A significant proportion of these sites tend to offer support for the faithful partner (many also offer support and advice …