Infidelity Immunity: Why Gimmicks and Jewelry Won’t Keep Affairs Away by Lesli Doares Furthering the discussion of radical honesty and its connection to the vow to honor your partner, I think it’s important to address one of the greatest fears couples face: infidelity. Like weight loss without exercising or changing your diet, people look for […]
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Extra-Marital Affair Prevention Agreements
Preventing Extra-Marital Affairs by Barry W McCarthy, Ph.D. (edited) 35-45% of marriages involve a sexual or emotional extra-marital affair. The most common way that people end a dating relationship is to begin dating (or at least flirting) with another person. When married most people (80% or more) assume that they will have a traditional monogamous […]
Affair Denial: They Happen to Other People, Not Me
Affairs: No Relationship is Immune. There is a thread that we maintain in the forum here at Infidelity & Affair Help, that lists responses given by people when asked why they believe their partner wouldn’t cheat and why they believe they are immune from affairs and infidelity in their relationship. Sadly, many of those beliefs […]
Infidelity: An Affair of Deception
Deception: The Real Villain Behind Relationship Infidelity by Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. When we are honest with our partners, we are true to ourselves. When the topic of infidelity spills into our daily dose of media, we may say we saw it coming, or we may react with shock. Either way, we don’t exactly look away. […]
Infidelity: No One is Immune
Get Informed About Infidelity The most immediate reason we need to be informed about affairs is because no one is immune from having affairs disrupt their lives or the lives of those they care about; they happen to all kinds of people, in all walks of life. Traditionally our attitude has been that unless it […]