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The Emotional Affair: Fidelity is Holistic
“Sin Boldly”: Against the Trap of the “Emotional” Affair by Hugo Scwhyzer A friend of mine with whom I’ve had many conversations about feminism and older men/younger women relationships wrote me a note last week about a close acquaintance of hers, a young woman of 21 who is having an “emotional affair” with a man […]

Affair Help: Are You in an Emotional Affair?
Nine Signs of an Emotional Affair by Rick Reynolds If 82% of affairs happen with someone who at first was “just a friend” as Shirley P. Glass’ research suggests, then maybe there’s benefit in exploring how these friendships begin. How does one have an emotional affair, and what signs are there that an emotional affair […]

The Emotional Affair
Protecting Your Relationship From Emotional Infidelity/Affairs by Denise J Charles As human beings we all have an overpowering need for human connection. We want to feel as though we matter. It is important that we are affirmed and that our worth is validated. Most of us therefore enter marriage expecting that our spouse will meet […]

Getting Over Your Emotional Affair
12 Ways To Recover from an Emotional Affair By Therese J. Borchard (edited) I receive a handful of e-mails a day from my readers who are either stuck in an emotional affair or have ended one but are still extremely heartsick. How can I let go and move on? they ask me. I researched what […]