Craigslist Ad Puts Cheater On Blast In Hilarious Listing For ‘Plush-Ass’ Mattress Source: Huffington Post (edited) How to get rid of glaring reminders of your lying, cheating ex? Look no further than Craigslist. In what may be the best listing of all time, one scorned San Francisco lover puts an ex on blast in a […]
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The Revenge Affair
If Your Partner Cheated Should You Cheat Too? by Guy Winch Ph.D. The consequences of cheating for revenge and retaliation Discovering your partner has cheated (or still is) is a shocking and emotionally devastating event. It can turn your entire world upside down and elicit intense feelings of anger, betrayal, rejection, abandonment, and many others. […]
Affair Help: The Revenge Affair
Revenge For An Affair: Is It Best Served Hot? By Dr Joy Davidson (edited) When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned in the aftermath of scandal over his involvement with escorts, his successor, Lt. Gov., David Paterson, decided to preempt future public scrutiny by coming clean about his own marital indiscretions. In media interviews with […]
Affair & Infidelity Help: Standing
Yesterday’s article gave four typical outcomes to the discovery of an affair. Dr Banschick explored each partner choosing to leave the relationship unilaterally, an amicable split, or reconciliation. However, the list seemed to exclude one particular outcome - the “Fifth Option - Standing”. Affair Discovery When a relationship is affected by the discovery of an […]